Saturday, August 6, 2011

The bikes wait.

If the lack of bloggery has been any indication, I've been slacking some in my riding. This'll happen, especially when you couple overtime with moving. That's not to say I haven't been riding my bikes, just not as much as I'd like. That's one thing about my bikes... as Big Jonny over at DC said, the bike will wait for you.

So what have I been doing?


I gave Bi a bath, which consisted of wheeling him outside the shop at work when a thunderstorm packing some driving rain rolled through.

"Zest-fully clean!"

Then Henry and I went shopping, and brought home a ladder. I always seem to get the same cashier at Home Depot, who always asks me "You're on a bike, right? How are you going to get this home?" There's only one answer for that...
"I have a really cool bike."

Earlier this week, I tempted the weather and played "Dodge the Thunderstorms" with STeve. Though oddly, I found myself riding towards them more often than not. It was hot out, I wanted the rain!
But that's where home is!

Sorta ominous looking...

Southern end of Upper Lake Mary.

Not so ominous now, eh?

This brings us to today, and the last bike that I hadn't ridden yet. So this morning, I woke up, ate breakfast, then pulled Tri off the wall. A little work, some grease, some oil, and we rolled out for a mountain bike ride. I hadn't been on my Walnut Canyon/Arizona Trail loop since the last time I wrote about it, and I had decided it was about time. It's been a month short of a year, almost. Time flies.

It didn't take long for me to get to the parts that remind me why I love these trails as much as I do:

Rolling out of Skunk Canyon.


Lots of paintbrush this time.



Usually this field is yellow with sunflowers... today it was red. Awesome.

I ended up bailing early on the ride. The lack of substantial riding has really kicked my endurance, so I decided to point my bike towards home while I was still enjoying the ride. I think it was a good call. I got home, and put Tri up on the wall, where he will wait patiently until next time.

And I will look forward to it.
Mileage: 33.3 (in 3 hours and 33 minutes moving time. No joke!)

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