I managed to accomplish all three. Four. Who's counting?
I left a little later than I had planned, which gave the sun a little more time to warm the air up. (by a whole one degree!) It didn't matter much, as it was a breezy 40 degree ride with sporadic sun and clouds. The weather report called for a chance of rain and snow, so I figured I was safe for the ride. The shoulders on the road were cleared nearly to the edges of the road for the most part along the entire distance I rode, which made me a happy rider.
It certainly did get interesting. It started sprinkling rain around the lower dam, with about 7 miles to go to get home. By the time I was 2 miles away, it had graduated to really wet snow, and fairly thick at that. I was pretty well soaked by the time I got home, grimy from road spray, and pretty well chilled. But miserable I was not. Lake Mary is now on the short list of wintery rides, and I had fun.
But I definitely need to stop putting off getting fenders for Henry.
Mileage: 31.6
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