Today was a great day for riding. Exegete had told me this when he got home from work, as well as mentioning riding in the fog this morning. I was jealous. I love riding in the fog.
Aaanyways. Met up with TC for our Friday ride, and ended up catching the Perigee full moon rise AND a sunset. At the top of the same hill, go figure. For those who don't know, a perigee full moon is some 14% larger than a typical full moon. They're fairly rare, and occur only when the moon is at it's lowest point in it's orbit around the earth. The optial effect of it being low on the horizon made it larger still:
And so, we continued on, past the mountains of snow along the path:
Until we found where they stopped plowing. Alas, lacking Pugsleys, we were forced to turn around and ride home at this point.
Enter the fun part. Around 11:15 when I left TC's place to head home, the clouds were hanging low in the sky. "Wouldn't it be great if they dropped on me on the way home, and I got to ride in the fog?" was the thought in my head as I rode through campus.
As I rode down near the big I-40/I-17 interchange, some of the lights were growing halos. The fog was coming in! At that point (11:30 or so) I decided to ride out towards Fort Tuthill on 89A to see if I could catch the fog.
I think that was a great ride.
Mileage: 26.6
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