Saturday, August 11, 2012

Monsoon Greenery

We've had some good weather as of late in the Flagstaff area. Lots of rain here and there, which is good, since rain keeps the fires at bay.

But I do have a problem with it.

As much as I like the rain, it does dissuade me from my riding. And as much as I don't mind riding in the rain, I do try not to get caught in it. And most of the time (But not ALL the time...) if the weather looks questionable, the odds are that I'll hang up the bike and do something else, and miss out on a perfectly good day of riding.

But, a lot of times, I'll ride towards the dark clouds, poke a thunderstorm to make it angry, and see if I can beat it home.

That may be an exaggeration, but it's not that far off.

Friday was one of those days, but with less thunderstorm poking. I worked a half day at work. With the prospect of an entire afternoon to myself, I decided I was going to ride STeve out to, up and over Friedlein Prairie Road, which runs between Schultz Pass and Snowbowl Road. This was also where the darkest clouds were when I rolled out of work. However, when I got there, the darkest of clouds had moved on, letting me ride without the worry of getting drenched.

However... tying this back to the monsoons, I love how green everything is when it rains:
Hard to believe this is "high desert."

No riding today, but tomorrow I may take Pretty out for a shred.
Mileage: 0

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