So, For my Uncle Greg, Grandpa Jack,* and anyone who is going through or has gone through cancer, and their friends and families, today's ride was for you, and I'll do my best to bring you along with me.
*Grandpa Jack being part of my extended/adopted family, who I love like family.
I showed up about 15 minutes before the start at the Hospital, having registered the night before. I'll say, that was an awesome move, having a night-before spaghetti dinner and pre-sign in. So I hung out, enjoyed the cold (it was 40 degrees) and shot the breeze with folks I knew.
Before long it was time to line up for pre-ride announcements and the actual start.
I made good time down Route 66, past the car dealerships and through the neighborhoods back onto Highway 89. As I was rolling up to Townsend Winona Road, (Where the route turns off 89) 15 or so riders went straight, instead of turning. A quick glance didn't reveal any course markers, and the route re-joins 89 a couple miles further, so they weren't going to get too lost. But they cut about 10 miles off the route. Two other riders and I made the right turn, and commented about everyone who missed it.
Doing your homework and studying helps, folks!
Winona was a fast downhill roll, and after turning down Slayton Ranch road, I found myself cruising on Neptune Drive, where TC and I grew up.
Yeah, air-guitar. I got very good at air-guitar today.
From Neptune Drive, it was a nice roll up Silver Saddle Road, where I hooked back up with 89, and turned north. I crested the big hill at the Sunset Crater Road turnoff at 8:30, a full hour before the cutoff. I stopped at the aid station, re-filled my water bottles, rested for a few, then continued on to the 95 mile route, on the part of the course I had never ridden before.
I made good time to the next aid station, which offered nice views.
As I said, I'd never ridden this loop, and it had been many many years sine I'd been out here at all, and I have to say, it is some of the most varied, and beautiful terrain around Flagstaff. My pictures really don't do it justice. That, and I was moving when I took them.
It was here that people took note of the fact I was doing this ride on a single speed. Anthony joked about giving me gears out of the transmission of the van he was driving, and 6'8" Nate offered to pull me up a hill or two. I met up with the fellow shooting for his first century here, and gave him some encouragement. Everyone else kindly informed me that the worst climbing was ahead.
Thanks guys.
It started off ok, but there were three hills that started off mellow, then got steeper and steeper, and longer and longer.
Especially when not long after turning back on 89, heading back towards town, this is what greets you:
To be honest, I completely zoned out the last 15 miles. I don't remember much, other than my legs started trying to cramp up. Rather than stopping to rest and stretch, I figured out a way to keep riding and stretch my legs as I pedaled. It's something I'll need to remember for next time.
I also vaguely remember that after what I had ridden up at Sunset Crater, Cedar Hill was nothing in comparison, and I fairly cruised up it, and down the other side to the finish at the hospital.
I was among the last riders to make it in, but I finished! Victory food!
Not long after I got there, First Century guy rolled in. He was understandably dazed, having ridden his first century. I let him know that it was a hard route for a first century, and he did awesome. Then he told me something I'd never quite heard about a big ride like that.
He said I made it look easy.
Hang on... I'm going to tuck that compliment away somewhere safe, where I can take it out to inspire me when I'm suffering up a steep climb.
Ok, I'm back.
All I could do was laugh, and say I'm glad I can give that impression.
I finished what I could of my food, then headed slowly home. I showered, told Exe about it, napped, chilled, got ice cream, and now I'm typing away at the blog. I'm exceptionally sore, tired, and trying to decide if I've built muscle today, or destroyed some. My legs are twitchy and crampy, and, to be honest, I'm surprised I've made it this far through the blog with any level of coherence.
Despite all that, I feel good. I dedicated this ride to family who've fought, and are fighting cancer, and then went out and rode it. It's a big thing for me.
Mileage: 105.4, in 6:40 moving time. Average speed was 15.8