Picture dump! TC and Alex and I went to Meadview this weekend. Much visiting with family, seeing the sights, and motorcycle riding. Much, much motorcycle riding. It was a blast.

We decided to head down to Lake Mead the evening we got there. It was a pretty sunset, and the bats were out skimming the water for bugs.

Last glimpse of sunset over the lake before we headed back to Jack and Norma's house for the night.

Saturday we woke up at the crack of dawn to head up to the cliffs to try to find an overlook over the town. The sunrise over the cliffs we'd be going up seemed a fitting picture to start the day.

The entire group, getting ready to head out after a good breakfast at Grand Canyon West Ranch. Three quads and my KLR, fun fun!

Lake Mead off in the distance from the top of one of the cliffs.

Meadview, and Lake Mead from the overlook... we made it!

Group shot! Left to right: Jaimi, TC, Alex, Autumn, Norma, Jack, and Polarbear.

The last day there, TC and I broke out the mountain bikes and headed for the nearest dirt road. We didn't ride too terribly far, as we didn't bring a lot of water, and I had to ride my motorcycle 200+ miles back home that night. Still, it was nice to get some pedaling in on different terrain and see scenery different from what I'm used to.

TC digging cactus spines out of her shoe.

After that, we skipped rocks off the South Cove boat ramp, then headed home, after I
left a surprise for Jack and Norma. In the end, a great little vacation, though it's going to be a long time before I ride the KLR that far on the interstate again.
Mileage: (totaled for the weekend) Motorcycle: 530. Bike: 7.7